समाचारसेठ द्वारका प्रसाद बजाज स्कूल, मिर्जापुर

सेठ द्वारका प्रसाद बजाज स्कूल, मिर्जापुर

Dear Parents

*”We can do what we have to do, and sometimes we can do it even better than we think we can”*

We are delighted to share that we had an amazing seminar for all the staff members of the institution. Our guest speaker *Rtn. Anil K. Jajodia ji* spoke at length about the strength of an *impactful educator*.

Various aspects like *talent management* and *effective communication* were also discussed miraculously.

The Principal *Dr. Shivani Kaushik* expressed her gratitude to honorable guest *Rtn. Anil Kr. Jajodia ji* for his outstanding interactive session.

The *Seminar* proved to be a session filled with great zeal & enthusiasm.

*We hope for the better performance of the children along with the teachers in future !*

Bajaj School

आज ही डाउनलोड करें

विशेष समाचार सामग्री के लिए


4.4 / 5

नवीनतम समाचार

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